
Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences Courses

Race Equality Policy

Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences (hereafter AFMS) is committed to creating a stimulating and supportive learning environment based on mutual respect and trust to assist all students and staff to reach their full potential regardless of race or ethnic origin. The Race Equality Policy is a vital component of the Academy’s equality and diversity policy which is seen as an evolving document subject to revision and improvement through regular consultation, monitoring and assessment of good practice.


The commitment to this policy is embodied in the following principles:

Application of the policy

The Academy will proactively address racial discrimination and promote race equality and good race relations across all areas and functions of the institution including:


The Academy recruits its staff from two markets; academic staff are recruited nationally, whereas, administrative and support staff are more likely to be recruited from the local area. The Academy actively recruits across all ethnic groups through use of media.

The Academy recruits its students from within three markets; locally, nationally and internationally.

The Academy welcomes its duty to assess and monitor the impact of its policies on staff and students from different racial groups. Data will be gathered from monitoring by racial group on the admission and progress of students and the recruitment and development of staff will be used for strategic planning and decision-making.

The Academy will work to address issues of under representation and /or under achievement of both staff and students.

Breaches of the Policy

The Academy takes appropriate action, including disciplinary proceedings against any individual member of staff or student, who acts in breach of its Race Equality Policy. Such breaches will be treated extremely seriously.

Any individual working on, or visiting the AFMS property is required to comply with the Academy’ Race Equality.

Policy and if any breaches occur the matter will be referred to the Director of the Academy for appropriate action.

Any student wishing to make a complaint of racial discrimination is able to refer to the reporting procedure detailed in the student handbook.

Any member of staff wishing to make a complaint of racial discrimination may refer to the grievance reporting procedure.

The Director ensures that the policy and its related procedures and strategies are effectively implemented.

All staff are required to ensure that they access training and that they meet the requirements of the Act. They are also required to ensure as far as possible that they do not discriminate either knowingly or unwittingly.

The Director of the AFMS must ensure that appropriate action is taken against staff or students who are found to have acted in any way in a discriminatory manner.

Procurement and Outsourcing

Contractors and service providers to the Academy are required to comply with all relevant race equality legislation.

They are also required to give an undertaking to the Academy that they will do so. Failure to provide such an undertaking will result in the removal of such a service provider from the AFMS’s list of approved contractors.

All work undertaken in the light of the policy and action plan adheres to the relevant regulations relating to both Data Protection and the Freedom of Information Act.

Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences

Registered Address:
Miller House, 3 Devonshire Drive, London SE10 8LP

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