

We have in place a number of educational activities as listed below beginning each year around October time. Further information can be obtained by clicking on each course.


Diploma Course in
Forensic Human Identification

This is a one week intensive course which covers all the main areas of identification in forensic investigation. Topics covered include: Legal and human rights issues in identification; identification of the body at different stages of decay; victim Identification from crime scene investigation; forensic odontology; forensic osteology; investigation of clandestine graves; craniofacial identification; DNA analysis including the human genome/molecular biology techniques and tool used in human identification; identification from prints; emergency planning and victim identification in mass disasters, psychological profiling, voice recognition.

To enrol on this course and for further information

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Diploma Course in Forensic Medical Sciences

The course aims to deliver core knowledge in the forensic medical sciences so that those attending the will have a better understanding of the principles involved in the various specialist areas as well as an awareness of the broad scope of the field.

Lectures will include the following topics: Medicolegal aspects of disease; Essential forensic pathology and clinical forensic medicine to include recognition and interpretation of wounds and other injuries; Medical and scientific investigation of fires, explosions and similar causes of non-natural deaths; Child deaths and child abuse; Investigation of sexual offences; The role of the Police in investigation and their relationship to other professions; Comparative legal systems, court procedure, principles of law of evidence; The Coroner and Procurator Fiscal. Coroner’s Inquests and Fatal Accident Inquiries; The role of the Judge, of the defence and of the expert witness; Principles of forensic toxicology; Drugs and poisons including drugs of abuse and the related law; Alcohol; scientific and legal aspects; Forensic DNA; Forensic odontology; Investigation of mass disasters; Human Rights and Torture investigation; Forensic psychiatry.

To enrol on this course and for further information

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Diploma course in Management of the Dead

The course is organized in response to needs identified worldwide by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for tailor-made training on the management of the dead in armed conflict and catastrophes. The first three courses were organized in 2008, 2009 and 2010 by the ICRC jointly with Cameron Forensic Medical Sciences; Barts and The London; School of Medicine and Dentistry (QMUL); University of London. The positive evaluation received from the participants who attended the previous courses and the growing interest this course has since raised among relevant stakeholders worldwide prompted the organizers to launch a third edition in 2011. The Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences will from next year organise this course together with the ICRC. The purpose of the course is to offer participants an understanding and practical knowledge of the main aspects related to the management of the dead in armed conflicts and catastrophes, to help ensure their proper and dignified management, including consideration for the needs of bereaved families.

To enrol on this course and for further information

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Master's Course in Forensic Medical Sciences (Including International Perspectives)

The International Master’s course in Forensic Medical Sciences is offered in collaboration with the University of Verona to an international audience where the preparation in forensic medical sciences can be used at various levels depending on different jurisdictions. The course aims to develop awareness of ongoing developments in forensic medical sciences worldwide by providing a broad foundation of the forensic medical sciences. Lectures topics include: Legal and Ethical aspects, Medical Law, National and International Court Systems, Coroners, Clinical Forensic Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Drugs and Poisons, Chemical weapons, Identification Techniques, Mass Disasters, Identification of the Living.

To enrol on this course and for further information

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Fellowship in Forensic Pathology

The award of Fellowship of the Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences is offered in Forensic Pathology, aiming to provide a quality assurance benchmark demonstrating a specialist body of knowledge that will underpin the ability to practise as a forensic medical specialist.

For further information

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Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences

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Miller House, 3 Devonshire Drive, London SE10 8LP

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