The Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences Fellowship was established in 2010 following a request from the Specialist Board in Forensic Medicine, Malaysia to assess pathologists to a level suitable for working as a senior consultant within that country. It is a qualification which is recognised by Malaysia and other nearby countries that recognise the training programmes in that country for aspiring forensic medical specialists.
The award of Fellowship of the Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences is offered in Forensic Pathology. Successful candidates will have satisfied the Academic Advisory Board of the Academy in a number of areas in Forensic Pathology (see section 5)
The assessment of the different components of the course, aim to determine whether an individual has successfully acquired a specialist body of knowledge that will underpin their ability to practise in their chosen specialty.
The overall aim of the award of Fellowship is to provide a quality assurance benchmark demonstrating that the candidate has fulfilled the requirements to reach the standard appropriate for specialist status and practice as a senior specialist.
Attend an interview with members of the Forensic Advisory Board either in person or by Video link
The candidate must demonstrate/ achieve the following in Forensic Pathology:
Assessment by members of the Academic Advisory Board-----------£600
First year registration-----------------------------------------------------------------------£90
2nd year onwards annual membership fee-------------------------------------£50
Lifetime membership fee-----------------------------------------------------------------£750
Students who are interested in applying for Fellowship in Forensic Pathology must complete the application form (click button below to download) and provide the Academy with all the relevant supporting documentation including your updated CV.
We offer online learning for three of our academic courses:
We offer full online support which includes lecture handouts from every lecture and and video uploads.
For further information about online studying, please contact us.
Registered Address:
Miller House, 3 Devonshire Drive, London SE10 8LP
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