
Diploma Course in Forensic Human Identification

About The Course

The Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences will be holding its next Diploma Course Forensic Human Identification in near future. Please contact us if you would like to register your interest.

This six-week online Course comprises over 38 hours of lectures, covering a broad range of subjects, delivered by recognized forensic specialists. Students who successfully complete the course will be eligible to sit for the Diploma in Forensic Human Identification, which is also offered by the Academy. Further details regarding the examination can be found here: https://www.afms.org.uk/diplomaforensichumanidentification



The course aims to deliver core knowledge in the field of Forensic Human Identification so that those attending will have a better understanding of the principles involved in the various specialist areas as well as an awareness of the broad scope of the field.

The course in its own right, without sitting the examination, is suitable for Continuing Professional Development purposes (CPD).


The standard of admission to the course will be a relevant University degree in medicine, law, science, social science or a related subject. Alternatively, other professionals with appropriate experience and/or bona fide interest in forensic medicine and science will also be considered.

  • Forensic medical examiners, general practitioners, emergency medicine staff, pathologists, dentists, nurses, anatomical pathology technologists and other healthcare professionals

  • Solicitors and barristers

  • Members of HM Coroner’s office, police officers and support staff

  • Paramedics and others in the emergency services

  • Forensic scientists and toxicologists

If you are unsure about your eligibility for this course and would like to find out if this course if suited for you, please click to contact us.

Course Structure

The course will run in near future. Please contact the A.F.M.S. office and refer to your timetable for further details.

The draft timetable for the course can be:
Downloaded Here

Satisfactory completion of the course will lead to the award of a Certificate of Attendance. Candidates may then wish to sit for the examination leading to the award of Diploma of Forensic Human Identification offered by Academy. Further details regarding the examination can be found here.

There will be a course tutor and course administrator on hand to welcome the speaker, give guidance and answer any questions students might have and generally ensure the smooth running of each lecture. There is also a course mentor for the students who may wish to discuss any other matters not covered by the academic tutors.

Online Learning

We offer this course online only, so that learning can be accessed anytime and anywhere in the world.

The course will be delivered in the form of scheduled live Zoom sessions taking place during the week on either Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon, normally at 3-5pm. Some lectures will be delivered as a pre-recorded session. Students are encouraged to join live lectures, however this is not compulsory as the sessions will be recorded and made available via the online learning platform Moodle if students are not able to join live lectures. The recordings and supplemental documentation will remain accessible until the date of the Diploma examination following the course. We also encourage students to send us questions via email or Moodle, which will be answered by the relevant lecturers. Student participation will be assessed through Zoom attendance and Moodle participation.

The full schedule will be sent to the students prior to the course start.

Satisfactory completion of the course (completion of at least 80% of the course) will lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion. Candidates may then wish to sit for the examination leading to the award of Diploma Course in Forensic Human Identification.

Course Syllabus

The full course syllabus can be
Downloaded Here

Course Fees

The fee for the course is £ 950 payable prior to the commencement of the course.

Enrolling on the Course

Candidates must submit a formal application for admission, electronic copy of an application can be


For further details and application form please contact:
Mr Adam Konstanciak
Telephone: +44(0)20 7525 6030
Email: info@afms.org.uk
Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences
Miller House, 3 Devonshire Drive, London SE10 8LP

Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences

Registered Address:
Miller House, 3 Devonshire Drive, London SE10 8LP

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